Wednesday 17 November 2010

My name's Jill and I have a problem...

I'm addicted to planing parties!!!

This all started with the planning of my fancy Just Because party!!  I created a wiki for Amy and myself to plan the party so that when we had good ideas they'd all be in one place instead of getting lost in all our email!  

Well now that that party is over and done (and was a success!) we've revamped the wiki into party planning central!

We're also using it to keep track of events that we've done so that we have a record if it becomes an annual event! 

One of our annual events is my "Earth-Day Birthday"  Is it on April 22 (aka Earth Day?)  No.  Is it on my birthday? No.  So why is it Earth Day birthday?   Well, it's close to my birthday (the first one did start off as a birthday party for me) and it's on Earth Hour day.  But because that doesn't sound as cool, I changed the name.  We've done this for the past 2 years, and it's been great.  Last year Amy even cooked me supper (she made mexican lasagna and it was delicious!)  Also, as much as my boyfriend hates being in pictures that all seems to change if he happens to be photo-bombing...  Sorry ladies, he's taken! :P

Anyway, we started with these 2 parties, and now we're up to 7 in the brainstorming process.  

I added another one today, or maybe it was yesterday... 

I didn't make these, but Cathryn did - check out these and more

I thought it would be cool to have a Christmas gift tag Make-and-Take party where people could drop by within a 2-3 hour time frame and make up some gift tags!  I have plenty of stamps and tools and fun things to play with!  I was thinking I could have a couple pre-made so people can get some ideas, and then they could just go to town!  The only thing with this one is that it's hard to find a date! Christmas season is busy!!

I can't wait to keep you all updated on all of our parties!!  

In the mean time check out these two cool party sites that I love:


  1. I just bought some super cute matroshkya (nesting dolls) doll stamps from Michaels! SO want to make gift tags with you!!!!

  2. I love hosting parties too. Like the Earth Day birthday, too cute!! Any excuse for a good party right!! @ L.A (above) nesting doll stamps?!?! I have GOT to get me some of those.


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