Tuesday 13 July 2010

What the Heck Wednesday Winner

Firstly, I'm sure you'll all notice that I've made some changes around here!  Let me know if there is anything that isn't working right, or of any other problems.  I'm sooo happy to have buttons now!! I feel like a "real" blogger. 

If you're new to this game too and are interested in customizing your blog a little bit DO IT!! It's easier than you think.  I used picnik to make my images.  Haven't used picnik?  I hadn't either.  Jill over at Homemade by Jill has a great tutorial here.  Then, I used these wonderful instructions to post them to my blog.  It was SO simple!  

Alright, so last week I announced that the winner of June's WTHW was Carol from The Answer Is Chocolate.

As part of the package of winning, the lucky person gets to be featured on my blog!! 

I thought that we could all get to know her a little bit better with a fun little Q&A session! Here it goes:

Q: Pick 5 words you'd use to describe yourself

A: Loyal, Stubborn, Sarcastic, Contemplative, Silly

Q: What are your favorite types of projects to work on.  What 3 words would best describe what you make.

A: Lately, my favorite projects have been re-purposing or upcycling things. I like projects that evolve as I'm doing them and use materials that were probably not meant for how I'm using them. The Home Depot guys and gals are forever perplexed by me and I know my fellow crafters can relate. I like finding something special in the ordinary. Three words that describe what I make? Torn ( because I almost always have torn paper involved) Imperfect (because if I strived for perfection I'd never be satisfied with anything) and Felt...the emotion not the fabric ( because I have to have an emotional connection to what I'm making)

Q: What are your favorite smells?

A:Chocolate of course, Hawaii ( it has its own smell and if they could bottle it I'd breathe it in all the time!) and anything baking in the oven. 

Q: Is there anything that you're obsessive compulsive about? (crafty or otherwise?)

A:I have to fold towels a certain way, in thirds, and I have to be the first person to read the newspaper. 

Q: If you could be best friends with any famous person (dead or alive) who would it be?

A: Best friends with...hmmm I think Amelia Earhart because she was fearless and could fly me places. Wait...that didn't work out so well in the end did it? Well, still...

Here are a couple of trays that Carol made which inspired the tray I made for WTHW!  Make sure to stop by at The Answer Is Chocolate and leave her some comment love! :)

*click on the pics to take you to the posts about them*

This one with the fork is the one she used glass marbles for feet, which I stole borrowed for my Zen Garden tray!

I LOVE THIS ONE!! Here she used a bunch of tiny "watch guts" to embellish the corners!!  Fierce!!!  

Look for an all new What the Heck Wednesday tomorrow!

1 comment :

  1. Oh my goodness...it's so strange to read about yourself, at least for me! Thanks so much for the lovely feature. And AWESOME job on the buttons!!!


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