Thursday 10 June 2010

Drawer Organizer

I'm lucky enough to have a lovely drawer in my bathroom for all my make up, jewelry, etc. It's one of my favorite things about my bathroom.

However, the drawer becomes super messy because every time I close it, everything slips back a few millimeters, and it starts to add up (and get messy!)

Here's my messy drawer before:

For any of you that are thinking "that's not that bad" I tidied it up about a week ago, so this is about half-messy.

I made this to solve my problem:

I cut cardboard in the sizes I wanted, glued some fabric on (I was going to mod podge it, but I ran out!) Then I used hot glue to glue it all together.

Look how great it is:

It's by no means perfect, but it does exactly what I wanted it to. I thought about putting edges on it, but it takes away precious space. lol

Also, I'm bad at the whole weekly feature thing (What the Heck Wednesday). I'm going to keep trying, but Wednesdays have been busy it seems (clearly I need to write it on monday or tuesday). This week I had a job interview. I think it went pretty well, and it would be a great job that I'd love to have! *fingers crossed*

Linking up to:

Get your craft on Thurs. SYS Thurs Beyond The Picket Fence
Blog+Button+to+size.jpg Punkin Seed Productions Decor Mamma


  1. Great Job on the organizing! My drawers could use a little TLC like that. Just dropping by from Beyond the Picket Fence

  2. That's really cute, I love organization stuff so much!!

  3. I'm loving your drawer organizer! Cute and practice, my fave combination! I'm a new follower and I'd love for you to come see me - I'm giving away 3 super chic Sam Moon cuff bracelets here:

  4. I love it when my drawers are organized. It looks great!

  5. GREAT idea!! Thanks for linking up and sharing!

  6. Excellent idea and execution. We do accumulate alot of stuff, don't we? A month ago I ruthlessly thinned my makeup stash and now I keep looking for things I got rid of. Doh! Must shift mental gears.

  7. This is exactly what I need to do for my makeup drawer! Thanks for the great idea!!!

  8. That looks so good! I would totally copy you, except my daughter is constantly getting into our bathroom drawers :( Thanks so much for sharing on FTF!

  9. It looks great. I love having a space for everything. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday.


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