Saturday 1 January 2011

Operation Organize: Junk Drawer!

Over at Sassy Sites Marni is hosting a month long event called Operation Organize!!  

 The rules:
1. pick a room(s) that needs organized
2. take a picture of the "before"
3. Link up your before picture at the
Sassy Sites Operation Organization party!

And for linking up, you get entered to win Better Homes and Gardens Style by the Aisle!


Today she did her junk drawer and is giving away vinyl to line your junk drawer with, and I LOVE organizing, AND my junk drawer was on the "to do" list anyway.  


 It doesn't really show the full extent of the messiness but this drawer is usually used as temporary storage for receipts and bills. 

Here's the little explosion necessary to get to the final result!


As you can see the drawer is much emptier than before, and everything can be found with ease!

A bonus of cleaning up:  I found a gift certificate for a restaurant that I won in September and had forgotten all about!!!

Check out everyone else's organizing over at Sassy Sites and perhaps play along! Even if you don't win anything you still end up with a cleaner, more organized house - score!



  1. Perfect timing! My husband has been trying to get me to clean out our junk drawer for months. Maybe tomorrow? :) You are my inspiration! Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks for sharing Jill! I love organizing in January =D I like the feeling of the out with the old and in with the new. I should show my very messy craft room. Every time I enter I think to myself, "I really need to clean and organize this better" but then I get inspired by a project and begin creating another mess! ha ha

    I wish I was lucky enough to clean out drawer and find a gift certificate, with my luck I find a chewed up piece of gum. LOL

    Happy New Year,

  3. Thanks for your input on blog. I am picking a cupboard or drawer a day to clean and organize, starting tomorrow. I teach school, so I am still in vacation mode for a few more hours.

  4. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me Jill. :) I may have to join you in Operation Organize. I've been on mission purge for the last couple of weeks. :)


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