Sunday 17 October 2010

Photo Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Here's another post for Ashley's wonderful scavenger hunt.  Once again she has some wonderful (and sometime challenging) themes!

It got a little crazy this weekend - more on that later - so I only got one done!

1. Side Lighting
2. Jack O Lantern

3. Faces Formed in Nature

Here's the first one I took.  I was starting to get desperate (as you can see because this isn't really nature) but I thought I might not get anything better...

But then I found this guy!

It's a grumpy profile.  See it?

How about now?

The red is the mouth, the yellow is the nose, and the blue is the eye/eyebrow.  

4. Sunset
5. Warm


  1. I actually saw the face in a different spot. Right above your blue marking is the left (to me ) eye. Go over an inch to the right for the other eye. Tiny heart shaped nose in between and down just a little. Down a little more and there is a tongue hanging out. See it?

  2. I should have gone to my hometown...I"m certain I would have found a lot more faces than in my own neighborhood (We have baby trees). Great work.


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