Wednesday 23 June 2010

What the Heck Wednesday!

I remembered again! Yay!  So if you've been around for a week you'll be familiar with my weekly feature of What the Heck Wednesday.  I post some sort of challenge and you offer suggestions of what you would do with it, and what you think I should do with it!

This week is a BIG ONE!  lol  It's a design problem.  Are you ready?

Make over this mantle:

As you can see nothing has been done with it.  

I'd love to hear anything you have to say from paint colors for the walls to what type of doo-dads you'd decorate the mantle with.

Here's a little info to help:

This is clearly a fake fireplace.  The house was built in 1930!

Notice that the wall above it tapers narrower at the top and also slants back.

There are two light fixtures, one on either side, they look like this (they have been replaced, they will be staying)

There are also two little windows on either side, this gives you a bit of an idea of that. (you can also see the former light fixtures...GROSS! Also, ignore the edge of the ugly pink curtain, it will be replaced one day!)

The WHOLE house is currently white.  The lovely previous owners decided to paint everything white.  And I mean everything.  Hinges, screws, door knobs!!!! GRRRRR! 

I'm sooooo interested to hear what you would want to do with this space!!

I also love when you link to projects that you've done, so don't be afraid to show off your creations (as long as it pertains to the WTHW item)

Because this is such a big undertaking it will likely be a little while before I'll be posting the results!

Don't for get to comment to win June's Giveaway (to be drawn on July 2)

One comment will get you one entry to win, two comments will get you 2, and so on!

Also, if you become a follower you'll get another entry! If you're already a follower, leave a comment to remind me!  

Later this week I should have the prize narrowed down.  I'm currently debating between a couple different things so stay tuned!

Either check back on July 2nd to see if you've won, or make sure you either leave and email address or have an email address available through your profile (if you're a follower).

Linking to:
  Show and Tell Green



  1. Wow, I'd like to help, but I've got a bare mantle/fireplace staring at me right now, too! I'll be checking back to see what your peeps suggest, hopefully something I can use too! Stopping in from Blue Cricket. Good luck with the mantle!

  2. If it were my house, I might be inclined to paint the walls around the fireplace a darker colour and leave the fireplace white. I don't know what colours you have in the rest of the house, but for an example, I'll choose green. I'd paint the walls a nice green colour and leave the fireplace and the window frames and baseboards white. Then I'd put up a big painting of something in the same green tones as the wall on the slanty part, perhaps with a frame the same colour as the lights, and put white and green decorative items on the mantle itself. Maybe with some gold thrown in to accent the lights.

  3. Will be scanning my sumbmission sooN!
