Thursday 26 May 2011

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day Winner!!

Once again I was overwhelmed with the number of entries I received! Thanks to everyone who stopped by.

Now for the good part - WINNING!

The first set of cards were the clearly the most popular!  The winner of the vintage cards is.....

(I did have screenshots - but for some reason they were really poor quality and I don't remember doing anything different! Oh well!)


Leah Claire

The winner of the second set....

K. Papageorge

And last but definitely not least...

(unfortunately it didn't work out for everyone to get their favorites!)

I'll be emailing you ladies shortly to get your mailing information to send you your cards!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by! AND a big thank you to Sew Mama Sew for putting this wonderful event together and sending all of this traffic to my site.  I made sure to stop by a bunch of other blogs and entered there too - maybe I'll win something too!

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