Tuesday 26 October 2010

Halloween Costume WIP

I love Halloween, mostly because it's an excuse to wear a costume!  I love planning and making my costume, and hate other people that want me to supply them with ideas.  The idea I feel has to be personal, someone can't just tell you what to do/be.

First, I decided this year that I want to dress as Odile, the black swan from Swan Lake.  I came to this conclusion largely because I received a bunch of black tulle from my friend's mom for free.  

I made a tutu consulting these instructions.

It took about 4 yards of tulle.  I cut it in 6" wide strips and about 35" long strips.  I used a bit of black elastic too!

Then I started tying on all the pieces

Here it is all done! (a little out of focus!)

Now I have some decisions to make!

Spagehtti Strap body suit?

Or long sleeved?

I intend to add some sort of bling to the bodysuit and tutu.

I've changed my mind though because my boyfriend's office decided at the last minute to have a Halloween party at their new location.  So I'm pulling out the can can costume I made myself in grade 11.  It's so awesome that I've used it a few times now.  

What's to happen with my brand new tutu?  It will go in my tickle trunk, and will be worn some time.  Both me and my sister have always wanted a tutu, and I wouldn't be surprised if she wore it just because when she comes home for Christmas.  :)  

What are you going as for Halloween?  What is your favorite costume you've ever worn?

(one of my favorites was my blue bird costume my mom made me when I was in pre-school.  I'll try to find a pic to post eventually.  It kicked some serious butt.  My talented mother made it all from her imagination and made her own pattern!)


  1. How fun!!

    I have a medieval costume my mother made me a few years ago.

  2. I still think you should wear the tutu! (ps pull up your knees in that first position missy!) The can can costume is great though and you will get LOTS of compliments....i dunno if that tutu will fit, but I sure will give it a try!!!!

  3. My husband and I are going a Dexter & Debra Morgan...a little weird since they are siblings, but it's easy and fun.

    I did consider making a tutu for myself for another costume idea I had...


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