For those that don't really know me, I'm a list junkie. Whatever it is I need to remember/do/buy will be on a list.
I LOVE lists. I make them on paper (there's just something satisfying about physically crossing it off!) on my computer (my desktop is full of stickies!) and on my cell phone (usually where I put my Sunday Photo Scavenger hunt list so that I can remember when I'm out and about!)
I thought it might be fun to do something blog-related for those of us that need to be held accountable to our to do lists. But I haven't figured out the best way to do that.
I've thought about doing a Sunday night/Monday morning linky where we can all put posts of our weekly goals. But I don't know how fun this would be. lol
So far I've started posting my daily to do list at the bottom of my blog (check it out, it's there!) If an item shows up the the next day, it means that it didn't get done the day before. :(
I'll probably keep going with that, but I really want to hear your ideas on what you'd like to see. Would people be interested in a link party? (it's okay if your not, I'm looking for honesty here!)
Let me know!
stop! lol-my sis is the SAME way with lists, it's hilarious. i should be then i'd be more organized. good for you! :)